Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Final Blog


     My name is Ralph.  We have just been rescued off this horrible island.  We are currently aboard a Naval Cuter!  When Jack was trying to kill me with the fire, the smoke was able to catch the attention of the men aboard who came to see what had happened.  The had just picked us up and now we are headed back to England. 

    I cannot wait to go back home and eat a real, home cooked meal!  The men aboard the ship have been very nice to us.  They are feeding us, giving us clean water to drink, letting us take showers, etc.  Jack and I have come to reality and we are friends again.  We are all staying together on the ship, me, Jack, Sam and Eric.  The men aboard say we should be home in a day or two now. 

     We are only a day away from being home in England with our families!  We cannot wait to see our parents at the port!  The soldiers have been keeping us company on the ride home.  We have been playing cards and board games to keep us occupied. We are starting to get very restless and anxious.

    Today is the day we are going to get to port!  I can already see land in the distance!  This is going to be one of the most memorable days ever!  It seems like it is taking forever for us to travels only a few miles!  In a few minutes we are going to be docking at port in England!

     We are about to get let off the boat in a few minutes!  Jack, Sam and Eric, and I can see all of our parents on the dock!  The Captain of the ship has just let us leave to go to our families.  We are all so happy to see them!  I can finally go home and go to sleep in my own bed and each warm meals etc.!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Chapter Twelve (12)


     Today was a very frightful day for Ralph.  Ralph was being hunted by Jack and his tribe!  Jack had captured Sam and Eric and used them as the guard for his camp.  Ralph went up to see them and try to get some information from them, which he did.  That is how Ralph found out that Jack and his tribe were going to hunt him.  When Jack and his tribe started the hunt for Ralph, the set the woods on fire to try and burn him alive, or to make him go down to the beach out in the open.  Instead of them killing Ralph, the smoke from the fire caught a Naval Ships attention and saved them!

     I think that today was a great day for Ralph in a way, even though it was very frightful.  I think that Jack did not mean to get a ships attention but he did by mistake.  If the hunt for Ralph had never happened, they would not have been saved.  I also think that Jack is mad that he was unsuccessful in his attempt to kill Ralph. 

     I don’t really have a prediction of as to what will happen but if I had to take a guess it will be that the boys will not make it back to England.  I think that the ship will be sunk on the ride home.  I think that the ship will be sunk by a torpedo from and enemy submarine or another ship.  The boys will all be stranded in the middle of the ocean with limited food and water supply.  The ships cannot hold a lot of clean drinking water aboard. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chater Eleven (11)


     Today was a very sad and painful day.  I am writing this from heaven after I was killed.  Earlier that day, Ralph and I tried to make fire but we did not have my specs to start it.  Ralph, Sam and Eric and I head over to the Castle Rock to try and convince Jack to give me my specs back.  When we arrived they told us to leave and go back to our side.  Jack and some hunters came back to Castle Rock with a dead pig.  Ralph starts fighting with Jack. The hunters capture Sam and Eric while we were there.  While they fought for a second time, I blew the conch to try to make myself heard and to try to speak.  Roger rolled a boulder down the mountain, missing Ralph, but striking me and killing me. 

     I think that eventually someone will come to rescue the rest of the boys later on.  I also think that the rest of the boys will not become friends again.  I also think that the hunters will try to kill Ralph somehow.  I think that maybe they will use my old specs to light the mountain on fire like we did in the beginning by accident.

     I feel very sad that Roger killed me with a rock.  I feel very sad for Ralph that he is being hunted by the hunters.  I also feel very angry that I was killed for no real reason.  Now I notice that the hunters only cared about killing and meat, I should have known that they would soon become blood thirsty savages. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Chapter Ten (10)


     Today was a very scary night.  After the whole incident with Simon, I felt bad while Ralph did not really feel any emotion about it.  Now we are basically alone at our camp, me, Ralph, and Sam and Eric.  During the night while we were sleeping, Jack's tribe ran into our camp and stole our fire and my specs.  Now we have no fire and do not have a way to start one. 

     I feel really bad about the way that Simon died.  Ralph doesn’t really have any emotion about it just like the other boys.  I am also very scared about what is going to happen.  I wonder who will be the next one to be killed.  Not a day goes by that I do not worry about being killed. 

     I think that in a few days someone will be killed again!  I think that the hunters will be the ones who will do all the murdering of everyone.  At this point in time it is hard to predict what will happen or when it will happen.  It is almost like every tribe for themselves.  We have all been on this island for so long that we do not know what is right and what is wrong because there is no laws on an island. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Chapter Nine (9)


     Today was a another, very crazy day and night on the island.  The hunters have killed Simon today in the thought that he was the beast.  He came from the top of the mountain where he goes for peace, down to the camp but was mistaken for the beast.  He fell down the mountain where we all killed him and let the waves take his dead body away. Simon was trying to convince the boys that the Beastie was a harmless dead person.

     After we killed Simon I felt extremely bad for what I have done.  The other boys didn’t think much of it because they are all a bunch of savages.  What we all did was murder and that is not ok.  Every day is very scary because I do not know what will happen next. 

     I think that eventually the hunter will mistake someone else as the beast and kill them.  I also think that since Jack has a lot of power, he will command people to kill someone.  I think that eventually we will be rescued but if we all keep killing each other, how can we work together to help us get rescued.  I also think that we will eventually kill Jack and then hopefully we can return to civilization.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Chapter Eight (8)


     Today was very crazy day!  Jack had called a meeting because he claims that he has just seen the beast.  Jack then goes on to claim that Ralph is a coward and should be removed from the chief's role.  The other boys did not vote to remove Ralph from his role as chief.  Jack got very mad and ran away from the group.  He said that he is going to make his own tribe and if anybody wants to join him they could.  Ralph did not know what to do so he let Jack go and do what he wanted.  Jack and his hunters go out and kill a Sow and bring it back to camp.  Rodger drove his spear into its anus.  He then put its head on a stick and left on top of the mountain for the Beast. 

     I think that Jack and the hunters are going crazy! They are out of control.  Ralph and I went over there to get some meat so we were not hungry and they were so mean to us.  I also think they are crazy for thinking that the Beast will actually accept the pigs head, if there even is a beast.  I feel very angry and sad all the time when I am around them. 

     I think that eventually the hunters will realize that the Beast is not real.  I think that after a little while the hunters will come back to Ralph and I.  I also think that the hunters will somehow find their way into trouble and have to rely and Ralph and I.  I also think that they will somehow ruin something on the island for them and everyone else. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chapter Seven (7)


    Today was very interesting day like always.  Ralph and the hunters decide to go hunting while still looking for the beast.  During the walk, they find fresh pig droppings.  A few minutes later, they find a wild boar.  Ralph throws his spear and hits the boar on his snout.  After the boar escapes, Jack holds up his arm which is covered in blood, he claims the boar scraped him with his tusks.  The start playing around, jabbing Robert with their spear nearly killing him.  After nightfall, the decided to wait until morning before going up the mountain to look for the beast.  The start climbing to find a spot to rest when they see a giant figure up in a tree.  The ran down the mountain to alert the others that they have seen the beast.

     Today I feel kind of scared that the beast is real and will come down to camp and attack us.  I am very on edge that they really saw the beast or if they were just saying they saw it to scare everyone.  Jack keeps on saying that the hunters will go in the morning to try to find and kill the beast.  The littluns are very scared as well as me. 

     I think that the hunters will find the beast in the morning.  I also think that the beast may be something were small but casted a shadow that made it look bigger than it is.  I also think that the hunters will get scared trying to hunt the beast and run back to camp.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chapter Six (6)


     The littluns claimed that they had seen the beastie.  They had ran down to the camp site where everyone else was and told them that they saw the Beastie.  I keep trying to tell them that there is no such thing as beastie! Jack and the hunters said that if there was a Beastie that they would go and try to find it and kill it.  Eventually Ralph calls a meeting to discuss what had just happened.  After they did that, the hunters went out in search of the Beastie.

    I think that there is no such thing as a beast but the Littluns think that they saw it.  I told everyone that science has proven that there are no monsters but nobody wants to listen to me like always.  Whenever they talk about the Beastie I think that they are crazy because there is no such thing.  Only a few people think that I have a point except the hunters. 

    I think that eventually we are going to find whatever is making everyone think that there is a beast on the island.  I do not know when we will come across whatever the thing may be but the thought about it is somewhat frightening. I have a feeling that the thing, or the Beastie, is in the mountain somewhere.  I think that when we find it the Hunters will want to take it, if it is meat, back to the camp and cook it for food.   



Monday, April 10, 2017

Chapter Five (5)


     Today was a very crazy day once again! The Littluns came down to camp and claimed that they saw the Beastie.  When the others ask him where the Beastie could be hiding, they suggest that it could be hiding in the water at night. Of course, this made everyone go crazy! Ralph is going crazy because nobody is doing their job with helping out on the island with the fire, the huts, etc.  Ralph also claims that there is no monster on the island and Jack says that they just have to put up with it.  Jack also says that if there is a monster, the hunters will go out and kill it just like they did with the pig. All in all, today was a very crazy day.

     I feel somewhat scared in a way. If the Beastie really does live in the ocean at night, it could come out and attack us at the beach. I also feel sad because almost every day someone makes fun of me or leaves me alone and walks away. It is usually Jack and the hunters who make fun of me all the time and it gets annoying. 

     I think that the Beastie is living in the woods somewhere and at any point in time could attack us if we are in the mountain. I do not think that the Beastie is living in the ocean but it could be for all we know. I think that if the Beastie is in the mountain, it will attack the Hunters first considering they are in the mountain more than we are. I also think that the Beastie could not even be real! I think that the Beastie could come down to the beach and destroy all of our shelters and food supply, etc. while we are up in the mountain.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


What does the fire represent? The fire represents hope. During the book, this symbol of hope changes drastically. The hunters were able to keep the fire going as hope of being rescued. This changes when the hunters go for a hunt and the fire goes out and a ship passes by!

     What does the face
paint represent? The face paint is a symbol of savagery. It masks the humanity and civility of the school boys. Jack was unable to hunt a pig when he didn’t wear the face paint because he was scared, but when he put on the face paint, he was able to hunt the pig. Jack was mainly the one who wore the face paint. It changed him from a good school boy into a savage who has a taste for blood.

     What do the hunts represent? The huts represent home. It provides the boys protection from the weather. The huts also provide protection from any animals who may try and attacked them, it may not be the best protection from animals, but it's something. The huts are also a place for the boys to sleep safely and peacefully. 


Chapter Four (4)

Today was a very crazy day here on the island.  I was with Ralph on the beach and we saw a ship in the distance.  We were wondering if the Signal Fire is still lit and that there was smoke for the ship to see them.  Me and Ralph went up towards the Signal Fire and it was out!  After a little while, Jack and the hunters came back with a pig!  Sam and Eric were supposed to be tending the fire to make sure that it is always lit and they left it to go with the hunters.  They left to go with the hunters because Jack needed them on the hunt.  Ralph and I decided to let them have their time to celebrate their hunt.  Ralph starts to confront Jack and after a lot of arguing we started to fight.  I yelled at Jack because we could have been rescued and he punched me and slapped my face and broke my specs!  After we put all this to the side, we started having a feast and Jack wouldn’t let me have any.  Simon shared the meat he had with me because they wouldn’t. 

     Today was a very sad and tough day for me.  All of the hunters didn’t want me to have any meat because they thought that since I was fat I didn’t need to eat.  Thanks to Simon, I was able to get some meat and not have to rely on fruits and plants.  After Jack punched and slapped me, I was in a decent amount of pain.  It gets very frustrating because this is all the time, every day. 

     I think that in the next chapter, the hunters will all gang up on me.  I think that the hunters will let the Signal Fire go out again and we will not get rescued if a ship passes by again.  If it does happen I think that Ralph will go up there again and fight Jack and some of the hunters again!  I also think that another ship will pass by the island and we will not have a fire. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Beastie

When they were on the island, the Littlun's said that there was a giant snake on the island.  Of course, this made everyone start thinking that the Beastie was all different things.  Piggy doesn’t think that the Beastie is anything because he thinks that science has proven that there are no monsters.  The Littlun's think that the Beastie is a giant snake.  Ralph doesn’t' believe that the Beastie is real.  He thinks that it is the Littlun's imagination.  Simon think's it is "them".  "Them" is anybody who can be mean or evil.  Jack does not care what it is, all he wants to do is kill it. 

     I think that the Beastie is tree vines.  The Littlun's could think it is a snake because they are scared in general so they panicked and assumed that it was a snake.  It could also be a bird that was in the tree which made the tree vines shake.  

Monday, April 3, 2017

Chapter Three (3)

 Today the Hunters went on a hunt in the forest.  While they were hunting, they heard the sound of an animal and Jack through his spear but it did not kill the pig.  I stayed behind and helped build Hut 1 and Hut 2.  I was too tired and lazy to help with the third hut.  Jack and Ralph had an argument about which was more important, killing a pig for meat or have a good shelter from the elements. 

     I am getting very annoyed of all the fighting that is going on between everyone on the island.  All Jack and Ralph do is argue about every little thing.  I think that the hunters should split the group in half and some hunt and the others help build more huts.  If we all work together we could get more stuff done in a shorter amount of time.

     I think that Ralph will have to try and build all the huts by himself while the hunters go and attempt to hunt for pigs and meat.  All Jack wants is meat and sometimes it gets annoying.  I also think that the hunters might actually be able to hunt a pig successfully.  Eventually, we will have meat and some huts to eat in and sleep in and be out of the weather.  

Friday, March 31, 2017

Chapter Two (2)

We decided to try and make a signal so we could be rescued.  We have decided to make a fire on top of the mountain so we could be seen by any ship or boat passing by and hope for rescue.  Ralph has told me to get a list of names of the little kids but I forgot.  We forgot to keep an eye on the fire and it spread and started a forest fire and burned down a section of the forest.  The boy with the birthmark must have been burned and killed in the fire because he never came back to find us.

     During this time, Ralph keeps yelling at me because I forgot to get the names of the little kids.  He says that for all he knows more of the little kids could have been killed and burned in the forest fire and because I did not get the names and number of the little kids, we don’t know how many there were and how many there are now.  Now we have the Hunters watching the signal fire to make sure that it does not get out of hand.

     I can only wonder what will happen next.  Will we get rescued, will we all be killed?  I think that we will have to go hunting and get some food because we are all really hungry.  I wonder that if our signal fire goes out, will a ship pass by?  Everything is a big mystery as to what will happen next. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Conch Shell

The conch shell symbolizes civilization.  If someone wanted to speak without being interrupted, they would hold the shell.  The conch shell would also be used to call assemblies, they would blow in the conch and everyone would come to the sound of the shell.  The conch shell is used for calling assemblies.  The shell would also be used to allow the boys on the island to speak without being interrupted.  

Friday, March 24, 2017

Chapter One (1)

Chapter 1:

     Hi my name is Piggy, at least that's what everybody calls me.  My classmates and I evacuated England because of the war.  We left on a plane.  During the flight, the plane split in half.  I was able to see the front of the plane in flames.  The side we were on landed on an island.  There are no adults so we have to survive on our own some how. 
     I was able to find my friend Ralph on the island.  We were trying to figure out if the other boys were here and how we would get them to our location.  Ralph spotted a shell on the ground and picked it up.  The shell was a conch shell which makes a very loud noise.  Ralph blew the conch a bunch of times and after a little while, the other boys started to appear at our side of the island.
     Once we had everyone together in one place, we decided we needed a Chief.  We had a hand vote as to if we wanted Ralph to be the Chief or if we wanted Jack.  We decided that Ralph would be the Chief because music doesn't matter when you are stranded on an island.  Jack got mad so Ralph decided to make Jack the leader of the hunters.  This was able to settle Jack down and also solved the food problem.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

D-Day Journal

William Golding was affected by D-Day by witnessing people die all around him.  He is affected by this sight because he has never witnessed anything this intense and scary before.  William Golding questions the goodness of mankind because he wonders why people can kill other people and keep doing it. He questions the goodness of mankind because he wonders what civilized person could do this.  I think that man is born with goodness and learns to be barbaric.