Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chater Eleven (11)


     Today was a very sad and painful day.  I am writing this from heaven after I was killed.  Earlier that day, Ralph and I tried to make fire but we did not have my specs to start it.  Ralph, Sam and Eric and I head over to the Castle Rock to try and convince Jack to give me my specs back.  When we arrived they told us to leave and go back to our side.  Jack and some hunters came back to Castle Rock with a dead pig.  Ralph starts fighting with Jack. The hunters capture Sam and Eric while we were there.  While they fought for a second time, I blew the conch to try to make myself heard and to try to speak.  Roger rolled a boulder down the mountain, missing Ralph, but striking me and killing me. 

     I think that eventually someone will come to rescue the rest of the boys later on.  I also think that the rest of the boys will not become friends again.  I also think that the hunters will try to kill Ralph somehow.  I think that maybe they will use my old specs to light the mountain on fire like we did in the beginning by accident.

     I feel very sad that Roger killed me with a rock.  I feel very sad for Ralph that he is being hunted by the hunters.  I also feel very angry that I was killed for no real reason.  Now I notice that the hunters only cared about killing and meat, I should have known that they would soon become blood thirsty savages. 

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