Monday, April 3, 2017

Chapter Three (3)

 Today the Hunters went on a hunt in the forest.  While they were hunting, they heard the sound of an animal and Jack through his spear but it did not kill the pig.  I stayed behind and helped build Hut 1 and Hut 2.  I was too tired and lazy to help with the third hut.  Jack and Ralph had an argument about which was more important, killing a pig for meat or have a good shelter from the elements. 

     I am getting very annoyed of all the fighting that is going on between everyone on the island.  All Jack and Ralph do is argue about every little thing.  I think that the hunters should split the group in half and some hunt and the others help build more huts.  If we all work together we could get more stuff done in a shorter amount of time.

     I think that Ralph will have to try and build all the huts by himself while the hunters go and attempt to hunt for pigs and meat.  All Jack wants is meat and sometimes it gets annoying.  I also think that the hunters might actually be able to hunt a pig successfully.  Eventually, we will have meat and some huts to eat in and sleep in and be out of the weather.  


  1. Your paragraphs are very good. You have great photos. You did a great job.

  2. I understood the first and third paragraph and the second paragraph was a little bit confusing.

  3. this was a very good essay your paragraphs were very clear and easy to read.
