Friday, March 24, 2017

Chapter One (1)

Chapter 1:

     Hi my name is Piggy, at least that's what everybody calls me.  My classmates and I evacuated England because of the war.  We left on a plane.  During the flight, the plane split in half.  I was able to see the front of the plane in flames.  The side we were on landed on an island.  There are no adults so we have to survive on our own some how. 
     I was able to find my friend Ralph on the island.  We were trying to figure out if the other boys were here and how we would get them to our location.  Ralph spotted a shell on the ground and picked it up.  The shell was a conch shell which makes a very loud noise.  Ralph blew the conch a bunch of times and after a little while, the other boys started to appear at our side of the island.
     Once we had everyone together in one place, we decided we needed a Chief.  We had a hand vote as to if we wanted Ralph to be the Chief or if we wanted Jack.  We decided that Ralph would be the Chief because music doesn't matter when you are stranded on an island.  Jack got mad so Ralph decided to make Jack the leader of the hunters.  This was able to settle Jack down and also solved the food problem.



  1. Great job using the voice of Piggy to tell me about what the blog is about. this helped me understand the important events in the chapter. great spelling and more. Great Job is was great.

  2. This blog is good. I could tell what character you were trying to portray. You blog also reminded me of the important events in the book we have read so far. And also good job writing this blog with the grammar as well

  3. Good job using piggy's voice. There is some important parts of chapter 1. Spelling was great.

  4. So it is okay, but after every sentence you double spaced. I can see that you are talking about piggy but, you said that he met his friend ralph. Even though they didn't know each other before the plane crash. But the rest is good.

  5. You did an excellent job I could tell which character you picked. This reminded of the events we read about so far in class. Great job.

  6. I like the way how you introduced your self. You did a awesome job with the voice. You entry reminded me of how Piggy introduced himself to Ralph. You did a good job with spelling and grammar.

  7. you started it of very easy and you voice piggy very well I knew who he you were right away. you did a good job with spelling no mistakes I could see.
