Friday, March 31, 2017

Chapter Two (2)

We decided to try and make a signal so we could be rescued.  We have decided to make a fire on top of the mountain so we could be seen by any ship or boat passing by and hope for rescue.  Ralph has told me to get a list of names of the little kids but I forgot.  We forgot to keep an eye on the fire and it spread and started a forest fire and burned down a section of the forest.  The boy with the birthmark must have been burned and killed in the fire because he never came back to find us.

     During this time, Ralph keeps yelling at me because I forgot to get the names of the little kids.  He says that for all he knows more of the little kids could have been killed and burned in the forest fire and because I did not get the names and number of the little kids, we don’t know how many there were and how many there are now.  Now we have the Hunters watching the signal fire to make sure that it does not get out of hand.

     I can only wonder what will happen next.  Will we get rescued, will we all be killed?  I think that we will have to go hunting and get some food because we are all really hungry.  I wonder that if our signal fire goes out, will a ship pass by?  Everything is a big mystery as to what will happen next. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Conch Shell

The conch shell symbolizes civilization.  If someone wanted to speak without being interrupted, they would hold the shell.  The conch shell would also be used to call assemblies, they would blow in the conch and everyone would come to the sound of the shell.  The conch shell is used for calling assemblies.  The shell would also be used to allow the boys on the island to speak without being interrupted.  

Friday, March 24, 2017

Chapter One (1)

Chapter 1:

     Hi my name is Piggy, at least that's what everybody calls me.  My classmates and I evacuated England because of the war.  We left on a plane.  During the flight, the plane split in half.  I was able to see the front of the plane in flames.  The side we were on landed on an island.  There are no adults so we have to survive on our own some how. 
     I was able to find my friend Ralph on the island.  We were trying to figure out if the other boys were here and how we would get them to our location.  Ralph spotted a shell on the ground and picked it up.  The shell was a conch shell which makes a very loud noise.  Ralph blew the conch a bunch of times and after a little while, the other boys started to appear at our side of the island.
     Once we had everyone together in one place, we decided we needed a Chief.  We had a hand vote as to if we wanted Ralph to be the Chief or if we wanted Jack.  We decided that Ralph would be the Chief because music doesn't matter when you are stranded on an island.  Jack got mad so Ralph decided to make Jack the leader of the hunters.  This was able to settle Jack down and also solved the food problem.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

D-Day Journal

William Golding was affected by D-Day by witnessing people die all around him.  He is affected by this sight because he has never witnessed anything this intense and scary before.  William Golding questions the goodness of mankind because he wonders why people can kill other people and keep doing it. He questions the goodness of mankind because he wonders what civilized person could do this.  I think that man is born with goodness and learns to be barbaric.